


  • Renato Salgado de Melo Oliveira Instituto Federal Baiano
  • Allana Santos Nascimento Instituto Federal Baiano
  • Ana Beatriz Oliveira Rodrigues Instituto Federal Baiano
  • Henzo Lopes Almeida Instituto Federal Baiano
  • Marcela Santos Silva


This article results from three Scientific Initiation projects for High School developed in Instituto Federal Baiano, Campus Itaberaba during the period of remote activities due to the world pandemic of COVID-19. The proposal involved three female students and one male student interested in discussing the media approaches, whether specialized in scientific communication or not, focused on the case of the pandemic. The first project, "Ideas for the end of normality: a debate on the post-COVID-19 perspectives", developed by student Marcela Santos Silva, sought to identify the conceptions that emerged around the term "new-normal", from its connotation to a lost past that needed to be rescued, to the possibility of a new relationship between human beings and nature. The second project, "From the Vaccine Uprising to the denialism of COVID-19: strategies for scientific communication", developed by the student Allana Santos Nascimento, sought to conduct a comparative analysis between the Vaccine Uprising (1904) and the current denialist movement, using the concepts of "symmetry and asymmetry" (LATOUR, 2000) as methodology. Finally, the third project, "Fear as political power: a comparative study between Camus' The plague and the discourses about the vaccination against COVID-19 in Brazil", developed by the students Ana Beatriz Oliveira Rodrigues and Henzo Lopes Almeida, investigated fear as a political affection capable of mobilizing the population to make decisions and choices during the pandemic, either for negationist reasons or based on scientific data. The first and third projects used comparative literature as methodology, searching in fictional sources for displacements of meaning that could provide new understandings for the pandemic reality we live in.

Author Biographies

Allana Santos Nascimento, Instituto Federal Baiano

Aluna do curso técnico em Agroindústria integrado ao Ensino Médio, bolsista do programa de Iniciação Científica.

Ana Beatriz Oliveira Rodrigues, Instituto Federal Baiano

Aluna do curso técnico em Agroindústria integrado ao Ensino Médio, bolsista do programa de Iniciação Científica.

Henzo Lopes Almeida, Instituto Federal Baiano

Aluno do curso técnico em Agroindústria integrado ao Ensino Médio, bolsista do programa de Iniciação Científica.

Marcela Santos Silva

Aluno do curso técnico em Agroindústria integrado ao Ensino Médio, bolsista do programa de Iniciação Científica.

