La piedad divina: Desde el paganismo hasta el cristianismo
Palabras clave:
Paganismo. Cristianismo. Piedade.Resumen
Sem resumoCitas
BELL, H. I. "Philanthropia in the Papyri of the Roman Period."En Hommages à Joseph Bidez et à Franz Cumont (Bruselas: Collection Latomus # 2, 1949) 31-37.
BOWERSOCK, Glenn W. Fiction as History: Nero to Julian (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994).
DOVER, Kenneth. Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1994 [orig.l974]).
MORRIS, Royce L. B. "Reflections of Citizen Attitudes in Petitions from Roman Oxyrhynchus, en Roger S. Bagnall et alli, edd., Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Papyrology (Chico: Scholars Press, 1981) 363-70.
ROSTOVZEFF, Mikhail. The Cambridge Ancient History. Primera edición, Vol. 7 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
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