A tradição filológica revisitada


  • Silvia Maria Kutchma Universidade de São Paulo


Filologia. Filosofia. História. Trágico.


The idealist philosophy had a dual role contradictory: opened the new field of science and decided the contents that science had to discover at the end of the 17th century.Through the analysis of the Greek tragedy was in fact endorsed a philology of history.The “Das Altertum Wissenschaft” was born in Germany and it is renominatedPhilology by A. Boeckh. This was born at the same time that the theories of tragic.In its beginnings, introduces in Germany, then in Italy and in France, a combative relationship between philosophy and philology (or the science of history). The conflict has developed on the conceptual ground opened by philosophy with the goal of “chronicle” ideas free of speculation. Reading “scientific” of Greek tragedy says long dominated the whole form of philosophical inspiration. However, the question of the meaning and relevance of the concept of Tragic are made for walking again and again.This paper aims to historicize the path that science called philology of beginnings to contemporaries.

Author Biography

Silvia Maria Kutchma, Universidade de São Paulo

possui graduação em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1996), mestrado em História Social da Cultura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2001) e doutorado em História Social da Cultura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2006), com Estágio Doutorado CAPES na EHESS de Paris. Tem experiência nas áreas de Artes e História, com ênfase em História e Teoria do Teatro, atuando principalmente na transdisciplinaridade entre história, estética, filosofia, antropologia e filologia. Desenvolve linha de pesquisa especial em Teatrologia.


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