SÓLON E UM FRAGMENTO DE VIAGEM (19 W2): um hóspede, um anfitrião e uma deusa em tempo de despedida


  • Giuliana Ragusa de Faria Universidade de São Paulo


Solon. Archaic elegy. Farewell discourse. Travels. Aphrodite. Cyprus.


Solon’s Fr. 19 W2 is a farewell elegy in which a non-identified speaker to the king of the Cyprian city of Soloi. In the discourse, a xénosis leaving to his homeland after being with the king as his guest, we may suppose. Setting a tone of praise and gratefulness to his words, he brings forward two key-ideas to the archaic Greek world: xenía(the laws of hospitality) and reciprocity. And by an indirect address to Aphrodite – here, as rarely in archaic Greek poetry, represented as a sea goddess that watches over travelers and ships –, he gives the speech solemnity and a prayer quality. This tableau that raises the subject of Solon’s famous yet obscure travels will be herein studied in an approach that will take into consideration in the analysis of the poet’s fragmentary elegy its sources of transmission and the relations between Greece/Aphrodite and Cyprus.

Author Biography

Giuliana Ragusa de Faria, Universidade de São Paulo

Professora do DLCV/FFLCH/


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