World Pendulum Alliance: a remote experiment


  • Jamila Santos Khalifa Universidade de Brasília
  • Júnio Márcio Rosa Cruz University of Brasilia
  • Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
  • Alice Melo Ribeiro Universidade de Brasília


experimento, pêndulo, educacional, remoto, latitude.


The World Pendulum Alliance is an international project that established a worldwide network of gravimetric pendulums through an agreement between several institutions across Europe and South America. This project aimed to use the simple pendulum as a basis for the implementation of a remote experimentation network (FREE - Framework for Remote Experiments in Education), through the installation of a constellation of pendulums freely available to users. These pendulums are installed in several locations with different latitudes, in order to allow the determination of the acceleration of gravity in these locations, at any time, however, remotely. Three partners in Brazil (University of Brasília, State University of Santa Cruz and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) collaborated with the project in the distribution of 11 secondary pendulums each to basic and higher education institutions, public and private, with the aim of to contribute to improving the quality of teaching in the country, in a reality in which few schools have science laboratories. The objective of this article is to discuss the project, its characteristics, motivations, purpose, and the role of the University of Brasília in it, as well as to elucidate aspects related to remote experimentation through the simple pendulum. From this, collaborate with the scientific dissemination of this educational tool and bring more visibility to remote experimentation networks in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Jamila Santos Khalifa, Universidade de Brasília

É discente de graduação do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Brasília e atua como gestora do projeto World Pendulum Alliance na UnB, também faz pesquisa científica na área de Microbiologia aplicada a fungos endofíticos do Cerrado brasileiro.

Júnio Márcio Rosa Cruz, University of Brasilia

Júnio Márcio Rosa Cruz holds a degree in Physics from the University of Brasília (1981), a Master's degree in Physics from the University of Brasília (1984), a Master's degree in Physics - University of Toronto (1986) and a Ph.D. in Physics - University of Toronto (1991). He is currently Associate Professor IV at the University of Brasilia. He has experience in the area of Experimental Physics, with emphasis on Optical and Spectroscopic Properties of Condensed Matter and Interaction of Radiations with Matter.

Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Graduated in Physics - Bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), Master's degree in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1996) and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of São Paulo (2000). He is currently a Full Professor at Santa Cruz State University. He has experience in the field of Physics, with an emphasis on Physics of Plasma and Electrical Discharges, working mainly on the following subjects: plasmas, rf antennas, heating and generation of flows by Alfvén waves, High Performance Computing and Public Policy on ST&I. He is Coordinator of NIT-UESC, representative of ICTs in the Bahia Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Network (RePITTec), interim President of the Scientific and Technological Park of Southern Bahia, President of the National Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers ( FORTEC) and former General Coordinator of the Forum of Parliamentary Advisors on Science, Technology, Innovation and Education (ForumCTIE).

Alice Melo Ribeiro, Universidade de Brasília

Professor at the University of Brasilia, Institute of Biological Sciences ((IB), works at the Nucleus of Scientific Education for Teaching Biology (NECBio), at the Open University of Brazil (UAB) and at CEAD/UnB. She holds a degree in Biology from the University de Brasília (2000), master's degree in Molecular Pathology (Molecular Genetics / Pharmacology) from the University of Brasília (2003), PhD in Molecular Pathology (Applied Immunology) from the University of Brasília (2008) and postdoctoral degree from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto ( USP). Researcher in Health Sciences/Health Education. She works at the Nucleus of Scientific Education (UnB) and at the Open University of Brazil (UnB). She has experience in the area of Pharmacology, Immunology, Basic and Higher Education of Biological Sciences, Training Teachers for Teaching Natural Sciences and Biology, Remote Experimentation and Distance Learning. Acts as a researcher in a remote laboratory for teaching Science and Biology. Specialist in Distance Education (2011). She acts and coordinates university extension projects. Extension coordinator at IB and CEAD /UnB. Local coordinator of the international cooperation project World Pendulum Alliance, with emphasis on remote experimentation. Adjunct coordinator of UAB, UnB.





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