Celebrities of denialism: Exploratory analysis of actors denialist speeches about Covid - 19 on twitter.


  • Jéssica Guanabara Fernandes Fiocruz Bahia
  • Caio Costa Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Arthur Lopes Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Antonio Brotas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz


Twitter. Infodemia. COVID-19. Vacina. Negacionismo.


 In the midst of the biggest health crisis of the 21st century, another type of epidemic was experienced: of misinformation. The excess of information shared during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic was leveraged by the use of social networks, becoming a stage for individuals to spread misinformation and denialist concepts to their followers. Given this scenario, this research proposes to analyze the discourse of denialist health professionals who have become celebrities and a reference for individuals discredited in the seriousness of the pandemic, through tweets from 2020 and 2021 citing these actors, Brazilians and foreigners. 

Author Biographies

Jéssica Guanabara Fernandes, Fiocruz Bahia

Bolsista de divulgação científica da Fiocruz Bahia

Caio Costa, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Bolsista de divulgação científica da Fiocruz Bahia

Arthur Lopes, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Mestrando do Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal da Bahia

Antonio Brotas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Coordenação de divulgação científica da Fiocruz Bahia

