Artist teachers: listening to women educators


  • Diane Boda Universidade de São Paulo - USP


Mulheres. Educação. Teatro. Escuta. Narrativas. Memórias: sugestão.


The article seeks to reflect on the possibility of building a research from the search for an epistemology of listening, understanding that the act of listening can be performed by the whole body and is not linked solely to the spoken word. Thus, ways of listening to the memories and experiences that formed women as theater educators are sought, obeying the ways that they decide to narrate themselves. The ways of carrying out listening guide the steps of this research, being a methodology in progress as the research takes place, in a constant game between experience and theory, exactly in that order. Eight women were invited to participate in this process through a letter in which questions were asked about their trajectories as theater educators and each one decided how they would like to respond. From face-to-face, online meetings, exchanges and audios or continuity of correspondence, the work ended with the recreation of seven exchanges and an exchange of audios via whatsapp, recreated from the meeting with Tânia Granussi, visual artist and PCD educator.

Author Biography

Diane Boda, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Educadora, atriz e assessora pedagógica atuando principalmente nas áreas de articulação de projetos sociais e culturais e educação de jovens. Mestranda no Programa de Mudança Social e Participação Política da Escola de Artes Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo.

