The use of sensorial and non-sensorial aesthetics in mathematics communication


  • Marcos Henrique de Paula Dias da Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)


Redes sociais. Divulgação da matemática. Estética sensorial. Estética não sensorial. Desafios de Matemática.


A common question in math classes, which arises mainly when faced with new concepts, is when will this be used in life? Perhaps the expected answer is to explain some physical phenomenon to which this property, or a derivative of it, applies. “Desafios de matemática da Unicamp” project began with the intention of helping to gain mathematical skills present in curriculum assessments. Its arrangement of colorful geometric shapes was perceived as a relief to the action of performing the necessary calculations to solve the respective challenge. However, the longevity of the project came to change this perspective, as we realized that it was possible to attribute senses and meanings to the compositions of shapes and colors, and thus generate sensory aesthetics related to the challenge. Similarly, the growth of the project and interaction with the public highlighted the structures for resolving challenges. This made us realize that there was a non-sensory aesthetic related to the appreciation of his resolutions, in qualities such as simplicity, ingenuity, geometric and algebraic relationships. Aspects perceived due to the interaction with the public that shares and interacts through comments on the channels where this project is publicized, with resolutions, questions and doubts. In this way, both identified aesthetics are considered engines to favor mathematical dissemination and engagement in social networks.

Author Biography

Marcos Henrique de Paula Dias da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

Licenciado em Matemática pela USP (2015), Mestre e Doutor em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática pela UNESP (2018) e Unicamp (2023) respectivamente, e docente do IFRJ

