Del Diui Filius al Pater Patriae - La paternalización del poder em tres textos latinos


  • Alicia Schniebs Universidade de Buenos Aires

Palabras clave:

Rome. Augustus. Virgil. Pater Patriae. Diui Filius.


This work is an attempt to anaIyse the behaviour and function of the notion of pater in three texts of the Augustan period (Aeneis, Res gestae and the building transformation carried out by the princeps). We aim to determine how the use of this notion shows a "paternalization" process of the power which is the basis of the cultural transformation stating the instauration of the principate.

Biografía del autor/a

Alicia Schniebs, Universidade de Buenos Aires

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Letras Clásicas)


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