Metapoesia e instrução amorosa na ars Amatoria Ovidiana
Palabras clave:
Metapoetical composition. Literary commentary. Classical rhetoric. Roman erotic elegy. Didactic poetry.Resumen
In his Art of love, didactic poem essentially relared to the theme of ROman young people erotic instruction. Ovid, besides, has given course to some practices we could call metapoetical. They are equal to the employment, sometimes in a subtil way, of erotic discourse as an instrument to make himself hear "critically" about hisor someaone's ele poetical production. In the first case, we try to demonstrate how the poet, by his words or by rethoric, has expressed "opnions" on the Ars amatoria; in the second one, silent rejection of some of the most important elegiac rules configure a kind of renounce to compose in a exhausted artistic model.Citas
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