A escolha de modelos clássicos e outros critérios estilísticos no processo de composição poética: o caso de epigramas revistos pelo humanista Antônio de Gouveia
Palabras clave:
Epigram. Humanism. Renaissance. Imitation. Generic poetry. Martial. Ovid. Virgil. Antônio de Gouveia. Intertextuality. Allusion.Resumen
Comparing two editions of epigrammatic poetry published by the Portuguese humanist Antônio de Gouveia, in Lyon, France, in 1539 and 1540, it is possible to note the stylistic criteria of composition, based on characteristic resources of Classical Latin and on traditional elements of Ancient Literature, observing especially the imitation of the pattern of poets as Martial, Ovid and, above all, Virgil, whose influence is notable when the Renaissance poet did the revision of his work.Citas
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