Tempus em Sêneca: abordagem de um conceito-chave


  • Maíra Meyer Bregalda Editora Oxford do Brasil


Seneca. Tempus. Uita. Stoicism. Philosophy.


The concept of tempus is present in a great part of Seneca's work, being the "main axis around which everything else moves" (Goldschmidt). The philosopher's analysis of time has a moral scope: tempus, for him, is that time which is lived out in the anguish of the fleeting moment. We present here a selection, translation and comment of pieces from Seneca's epistles, focusing on the issue of temporality in the stoic philosopher. We employ, as a starting point, an anthology of texts that was organized by Alfonso Traina. The comments on the translation develops some grammatical and stylistic aspects, as well as intertextual references to the respective works. Such considerations have been taken into account, in our study, aiming at a better understanding of the concepts and nuances that can be associated with tempus in Seneca's writings.

Author Biography

Maíra Meyer Bregalda, Editora Oxford do Brasil

Doutorado em Linguística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil(2010).Editora do Editora Oxford do Brasil.


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