Entre a cruz e a espada: tradução e comentário do martírio do soldado Marino


  • Geruza Graebin Faculdades ESPAM


Bios hagiographic genre. Christian literature. Roman Empire. Greek koiné.


This article presents a translation with commentary of a text written in koiné Greek. The text tells the story of a Christian accused and killed for his faith in the mid-third century A.D., and can be considered an example of the genre bios hagiographic, which was widely utilized by the Christians in the centuries II to IV A.D. The analysis of the linguistic elements - such as the lexicon and the tenses of the verbs – correlated to the social and historical context indicates that Marino is in a personal impasse which reflects a much greater struggle of profound social dimensions: the dispute for power between the church and the Roman state. We verify that the author intentionally contrasts these two powers highlighting the Christian viewpoint. 

Biografia do Autor

Geruza Graebin, Faculdades ESPAM

Possui mestrado em Linguística pela Universidade de Brasília (2008). É graduada em Letras Grego pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Tem experiência na área de Linguística e Línguas Clássicas.


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